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Linz Loves Romance

I've loved romance novels since...like forever. I read across most subgenres of romance. I also write fantasy/paranormal and new adult romance.

The Spire Mini-Review

The Spire (The Walsh Series) (Volume 6) - Kate Canterbary

I adore this series. I have no idea how Kate Canterbary writes six (seven?) books all with the same timeline. It's impressive.


This story is about Erin, the next to youngest Walsh, and the one who basically ran away and hasn't come back. We've gotten glimmers of both what drove her away as well as ways she's stayed connected (and not) with her siblings. Erin is a tricky heroine--she's prickly, isolated, and has been hurt (badly) in the past. In some ways, I would have wanted to read more of how she found her way toward connecting with others. That part was summarized in the book, somewhat frustratingly, as an odd version of therapy. But, kudos to Canterbary for having a character actually go to therapy and work on their problems.


I thought the way Erin falls in love and hides her relationship was totally in character, but at times it drove me crazy. She could not have had a more understanding and patient partner in Nick. I loved how they fit together and how he seemed to understand her, easily, more than most of her family. I can't imagine her with anyone else.


Erin and her sister Shannon have a tumultuous past. Their scenes together were probably my favorite. So much conflict, so much pain. Canterbary stayed true to both women and I loved their reconciliation.


Canterbary's writing is beautiful. Romantic, great pacing, funny, sexy, and addresses all kinds of family issues with maturity and grace. I love her writing and can't wait for the next book. :)